Sunday, February 21

sun in the woods

Last night was really fun, Erick's brother turned 30 today so we celebrated with family and friends and beer and wine and pizza and good talks... G and L were hosting the whole thing. Next week it is my turn...

Today it took us one hour to get our car free from snow. We wanted to go to Adriansnäs to celebrate the now-30-year-old brother's son who's birthday was friday. We got him a Spiderman-poster, he was happy! It was good to see those three kids again and O had fun with her cousins.


  1. Å, fint! *ÅNGER* Låt oss supa bort denna ånger på lörda! ;)
    Vill du också ha en Spidermanposter?
    Hörs i veckan o tack för igår!! Fantastiskt tycker jag! Vi somnade 4..Husse G ska ju städa diska och rensa du vet, stryka pyjamasen o lägga håret innan sömnen. :)
    Puss på er!

  2. looks great...guess one day we should go to Sweden

  3. L: poster vore inte helt fel, fast å andra sidan har jag ju nyligen kommit över tre minst lika tjusiga som jag ska försöka hitta plats för!

    Kaylovesvintage: hey, it's been the best and the worst winter I can recall....puhh so much snow for so long time, but it really is beautiful (as long as you can choose to stay inside).
